Sunday, August 14, 2011

Will there still be school and teachers in the future?

According to the scientist research and prediction a few years from now there will be no more teachers and school, because everything is high tech and everyone will learn from the internet. Even though its the scientist prediction, I dont believe it.

The prediction of the scientist might be true because robots and e-learning is created already. Nowadays people also getting lazier so they don't like to go anywhere. Teachers also use internet for homework, so e-learning is everywhere.

The scientist prediction might come true in USA or any other big countries, but in Indonesia i don't think so it will happen because nowadays there are a lot of unemployment people and if there are robots to replace the teachers how many unemployment people in Indonesia?

If these things happen all over the world, people will get fatter and lazier because they will stay in house all day long.

Caesar Prayogo Adyatma XB

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